Moi TTC Wins big in term one Mau region TTC games

Moi TTC hosts Mau region Teachers Training College term one games
May 9, 2016

Moi TTC Wins big in term one Mau region TTC games

Moi TTC won big in the just concluded Mau TTC term one games. The hosts won basketball women, handball women, soccer men and hockey women. As the hosts we also took runners position in handball men at position three

Basketball men we not left out of the winning list as they came close at position two. Overall the games were a success and the team is looking to build on this success in the next competition.


  1. Temoi C Mathew says:

    Bravo Moi Teachers.. I have been there and have witnessed the sweet fruits of the Institution.

  2. Joseph kipkurui says:

    waw,that’s great BARINGO TTC,Yu are growing polepole.bravo.

  3. Joseph kipkurui says:

    waw,that’s great BARINGO TTC,Yu are growing polepole.bravo.can yu plz post some events that had taken place in the Cole,ie sports Mr and miss Baringo ttc and happy to be associated with baringo ttc

  4. Dalton says:

    Will keep fire burning

  5. amos says:

    Baringo campus the place to be

  6. Sammy kabucho says:

    yea we are making Moi teachers training college great

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