I am pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Education, State Department of Early Learning and Basic Education has offered you a chance in this College to pursue the Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE)
This will be a 3000hrs Course that will lead to the award of a Diploma upon satisfying all requirements (Course Work, Summative Assessment and Practicum) Congratulations! You are required to report to the College without fail on 09/09/2024 for registration between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm.
Read the Joining Instructions carefully and act accordingly to avoid inconveniences when you report. Ascertain that you have all Joining Instructions Annexes. (Annex 1,2,3,4 and 5). If any of them is missing contact the college through this no. 0706469456.
Download the full document
I want to join Moi Baringo TTC. I had a C grade
Apply through KUCCPS
I would like to join moi teachers Baringo to upgrade my p1 certificate,how does it go?
Wait untilwe get directions from KNEC