
Executive Student Council Membership

Student Council Leadership

Student Council Leadership

The Student Council is a body elected by students in free and fair elections held every third term of the academic year.

The representation of the student council is comprised of the Executive comprises of Five Members. The Head student, The two Deputy Head students one being a man and the other a woman, a council secretary and fifth is the Religious affairs counsellor. The Student Leaders hold meetings with their fellow Students where feedback on service delivery is given.

The others are in charge of ten (10) Departmental, Eighteen class secretaries, ten hostel councillors, seven nominative posts of the two Librarians, Two student Nurses ( Man & Woman) and two Environment councillors.

The student council have committees which address specific concerns e.g. the Academic committee, catering committee, guiding and counselling committee, environment committee and co-curricular committee.

The council elections are held annually and the bonafide first years only participate in the event.  The current student leadership comprise the following:

Head student:Titus Marichor

Deputy Head student:Ruth J.Kipchilis

Council secretary: Shadrack Kipchirchir

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